Though the prices are skyrocketing into bubble territory for all of these first appearances (several of these were in the $1 box just a year ago), I wanted to make a list of them just to highlight the awesome red band trailer for Deadpool. I'm almost as excited for this movie as I was for Star Wars The Force Awakens. In case you don't know, Deadpool was written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick who wrote the the funniest zombie movie ever, Zombieland. The director, Tim Miller, doesn't have a long list of credits behind his name, but he did direct the opening sequence of Thor: The Dark World which is incredible. Red Band Trailer (NSFW) below followed by the list of 1st appearances.
New Mutants #98 - 1st appearance of Deadpool. 1st appearance of Copycat posing as Domino. X-Force #19 - 1st appearance of Copycat as Copycat. Morlocks #1 - 1st appearance of Angel Dust. Deadpool #14 - 1st appearance of Ajax. Cable #3 - 1st appearance of Weasel. New X-Men #115 - 1st appearance of Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Giant-Size X-Men #1 - 1st appearance of Colossus. Deadpool #1 - 1st appearance of Blind Al.
nice blog